Waanders In de Broeren in Zwolle, Netherlands

Below are some bookstores in my area, or that have been fun to visit:

Moscow, Idaho

BookPeople of Moscow  https://www.bookpeopleofmoscow.com/

Pullman, Washington

Brused Books   http://personal.palouse.net/brused/

Juneau, Alaska

Hearthside Books  https://www.hearthsidebooks.com/

Rainy Retreat Books  https://juneaubooks.com/

Sitka, Alaska

Old Harbor Books  https://www.oldharborbooks.net/

Portland, Oregon

Powell’s Books https://www.powells.com/

Seattle, Washington

Elliot Bay Book Company  https://www.elliottbaybook.com/

Spokane, Washington

Auntie’s Bookstore  https://www.auntiesbooks.com/

Walla Walla, Washington

Book and Game Company  http://www.bookandgame.com/

Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho

Bonner’s Books  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bonners-Books/

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Mosaic Books  https://www.mosaicbooks.ca/

Zwolle, Netherlands

Waanders In de Broeren  https://www.libris.nl/waanders

And, of course, any Friends of the Library bookstore or book-sale is worth the stop.